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콩 수확 후 품질관리 및 품질평가 기술 개발 (2017) By 문갑순 / 2018-07-23 AM 12:59 / 조회 : 566회


콩 수확 후 품질관리 및 품질평가 기술 개발

Development of technique for quality management and evaluation of soybean seeds after post-harvesting


사업명 : FTA대응 경쟁력향상 기술개발

주관연구기관 : 국립식량과학원

발행년월 : 2017-02

주관부처 : 농촌진흥청





Drying temperature using the new soybean processing complex is below 30.

After the selection and seiving using the new soybean processing complex, purity and uniformity of soybean are each 99%.

After the storage on the 4 , surface qulity of soybean is the same to the just hatvested.

Optimization of the post-harvesting processes of soybeans, such as sorting, drying, and packaging, regarding quality of soybean and energy efficiency

Development of processing models and the simulation software for the soybean processing complex based on soybean varieties

Development of the simulation software for the soybean processing complex based on the local soybean yields

Profiling the metabolomes and proteoms and investigating the biomarkers for identify the changes in soybean exposed to a bad environment, and evaluated the quality of soybean seeds for materials of processing and soybean processing center using biomarkers.


콩유통종합처리장(SPC)의 산물콩 수매를 위한 건조 기준 설정 : 30

SPC설치에 따른 작업공정별 장류두부용 및 나물용콩의 정선선별효율분석 : 정립율과 입도율 99%

SPC의 대용량 포대저장을 대비한 종실변이 발생 양상분석 : 저장조건(건조전) : 햇빛에 보관일수가 7일 이상 소요, 저장조건(건조 후) : 저온 저장 시 1년까지는 품질 차이 없음

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