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다이어트 기능성물질 함유 콩 유전자원 선발 및 식품소재 개발(이병원) By 문갑순 / 2018-07-27 PM 04:03 / 조회 : 242회

다이어트 기능성물질 함유 콩 유전자원 선발 및 식품소재 개발

Screening of Useful Soybean Resource on Diet Functional Ingredient and Development of Soy-food Material


주관연구기관 : 국립식량과학원

연구책임자 : 이병원

발행년월 : 2013-02

주관부처 : 농촌진흥청





Due to a rapid social change and growth, modern people have been exposed to excessive stress and unhealthy environments. Especially, with the increase in average income, people tend to eat foods containing high in cholesterol and fat. This tendency causes an increase in various kinds of adult diseases. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) exhibits many biological effects such as anticarcinogenic activity, immune stimulation, body fat reduction, cholesterol reduction in blood, and lowering atherosclerosis. CLA is widely found in various foods, including dairy products, and some seafoods, its contents ranging from 0.01 to 1.7%. The objective of this study was to develop of functional food material using soybean (Glycine max L.) having diet effect. Linoleic acid was included over 10% in soybean. So, we used linoleic acid to convert conjugated linoleic acid. First, fungi were inoculated into a liquid medium containing a mixture of rice and soybeans (1:3, w/w) and seed-cultured at 28 for 7 to 15 days. The seed-cultured microbial cell was inoculated in steamed soybean and fermented for 7 to 30 days at 25 . Linoleic acid in soybean was converted to conjugated linoleic acid as 2 to 9% rate. The second, we used lactic acid bacterial to convert linoleic acid to CLA. A liquid meidum containing 10 wt% of skim milk powder added with 1 wt% of linoleic acid, and inoculated with a Lactobacillus sp, followed by seed culture at 30 for 2 days. The soybean oil was added to soy-milk and then inocultated with the prepared the seed-cultured lactic acid bacteria. Then, the resultant soybean liquid was fermented at 30 for 3 days so as to convert to conjugated linoleic acid. The present finding may be used as a functional food or a medicine.


연구개발의 내용 및 범위

기능성 콩 유용자원 탐색 및 선발

콩 유전자원 탐색

콩 유전자원 다이어트 관련 활성 및 성분 평가

다이어트 기능성 물질 탐색 및 식품소재 개발

이화학생물학적 가공 방법 개발

활성이 뛰어난 기능성 펩타이드 및 물질 분리구조 분석

기능성 펩타이드 및 CLA 함유 고부가가치 산업 소재 개발