콩의 친환경적 재배기술 현장 접목 연구 (신상욱 2010) By 문갑순 / 2018-07-22 PM 06:03 / 조회 : 526회 |
콩의 친환경적 재배기술 현장 접목 연구 Development and application of eco-friendly soybean cultivation technique 사업명 : FTA대응경쟁력향상기술개발 주관연구기관 : 국립식량과학원 연구책임자 : 신상욱 발행년월 : 2010-02 주관부처 : 농촌진흥청 원문 초록 This experiment was carried out enviromently-friendly to control weed and prevent damage by birds and mammals in the field of soybean cultivation. In the first year, we utilized a sort of barly, rye, wheat and barly, to control weed in the soybean field. A sort of barly was seeded in April 12 and soybean was seeded June 11 in the same field. Allelochemical substance in rye was BOA and it's quantity was reached to twice compare to wheat in soybean seeding date. Conclusively we did not obtain desirable results, because depression of weed emergence was low in 40 dayafter soybean seeding and reduction of soybean seed was 27%. Whereas, In the second year rye seeding in March 10 was perfective in weed control. Also, rye straw mulching inter vinyl mulched row was effective in weed control. To repel birds and mammals we treated several methods, blowing doll, silver paper tape, girds wetted with wood vinegar and electrical fence. Blowing doll was the most effective for repelling birds. There was no damage in the soybean field of setting up electrical fence for repelling mammals 세부과제1-1 : 유기물 피복의 콩밭 잡초 억제에 의한 콩 증수 및 조수방지 효과 분석 세부과제1-2 : 포장규모 및 수확기종별 수확효율 비교분석 협동과제2 : 노린재류 선호작물 이용한 유인 및 피복망을 이용한 친환경 방제 농가실증 세부과제3 : 나물콩의 생산, 수확후 관리 및 유통실태 조사 |
총 412개
번호 | 제목 | 파일 | 작성자 | 조회수 | 작성일 |
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