콩 중의 polyphenol 화합물의 분포에 관한 연구(조성희 1984) By 문갑순 / 2018-07-22 PM 12:45 / 조회 : 281회 |
콩 중의 polyphenol 화합물의 분포에 관한 연구 Studies on the distribution of polyphenols in soybean 주관연구기관 : 중앙대학교 연구책임자 : 조성희 발행년월 : 1984-02 주관부처 : 과학기술부 원문 http://www.ndsl.kr/ndsl/search/detail/report/reportSearchResultDetail.do?cn=TRKO200200009788 초록 We have investigated a distribution of catechins and leucoanthocyanidins during the growth of soybean. The results obtained as following. 1. A distribution of catechins and leucoanthocyanidins in each part were found more in developing soybean than in non-developing soybean. 2. A distribution of catechins and leucocnthocyanidins in each part were appeared a distinct difference between the growth in the sun light and the groeth in the dark. 3. Polymer and monomer of the catechins were found in respective part a distinct difference of the relative concentrations according to the growth days. 4. Polymer, oligomer and monomer for the leucoanthocyanidins of soybean that was grown in the dark didn't appeared in each part a distinct difference of the relative concentrations according to the growth days. 5. In the case of leucoanthocyanidins of soybean that was grown in the sun light, monomer did appeared a distinct difference of the relative concentrations as compared to polymer and oligomer according to the growth days. |
총 412개
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